Home Salvia divinorum leaves €14.95 Salvia divinorum is one of the sacred plants of the Mazatec Indians. The leaves are chewed for about half an hour, after which consciousness gains access to another dimension. The effects of Salvia are unlike those of other hallucinogens. Add to cart
SmartShop Harmine Freebase 98% €21.00 Harmine is a beta-carboline and a harmala alkaloid. It occurs in a number of different plants, most notably the Syrian rue and Banisteriopsis caapi. Harmine reversibly inhibits monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), an enzyme which breaks down monoamines, making it a Reversible inhibitor of monoamine oxidase A (RIMA). Harmine does not inhibit MAO-B. Harmine is also... Add to cart
Magic Mushrooms Mazatapec growkit Mondo €49.95 The Mazatapec spore where collected by the Mazatec tribe near Huautle de Jimenez. This Growkit is available in 1200ml & 2100ml [XL] Add to cart
Home Psilocybe - NATALENSIS - Mycotek Inject & Forget Growkit Psilocybe Natalensis Growkit 1 Reviews €55.00 Content: 1 x syringe with Psilocybe Natalensis liquid culture 1 x alcohol swab 1 x sterile substrate (1200ml) growbox 1 x unicorn grow bag 2 x paper clips Add to cart
Magic Mushrooms Filter jar 280 ml €0.95 Consists of a polypropylene box with an airtight lid that has a microporous air filter built into it. The filter allows gasses in and out, while keeping out any contaminants (such as bacteria, or the wrong fungal spores) and at the same time keeping moisture in. Add to cart
Magic Mushrooms Mushroom grow kit 'Mushbag' rye SPAWN BAG €27.50 This Inner-vision rye mushbag is very well made, but have a look to this more user friendly blank growkit Sterilized grow kit-Whole oats-"Mushbag Add to cart
SmartShop Caapi - Banisteriopsis Caapi Yellow 40:1 Extract 1 Reviews €30.00 Very Strong Caapi extract: 40x Cielo / Yellow extract. A unique full-spectrum Banisteriopsis caapi extract. This MOA inhibitor contains all the alkaloids of the Kaapi liana. Add to cart
Home Rapé - Forte Canela 018 €22.00 Forte Canelo do Velho is an exquisite Rapé, which can be considered one of the strongest. This excellent Rapé is made for more experienced users. Deep and intensely grounding, extremely strong, often overwhelming. The user should find a comfortable space for the application with sufficient time to handle the effects. Add to cart
SmartShop Chaliponga - Diplopterys cabrerana €12.00 BOTANICAL CLASSIFICATION Family :MalpighiaceaeGenus :Diplopterys (Former: Banisteriopsis)Species :cabrerana (Former: rusbyana) COMMON NAMES Chaliponga; Chagropanga; Oco-yagè Add to cart
Just Seeds - Cannabis seeds Just Seeds - Bubblegum XXL [AUTO] 19 €13.50 Type: AutofloweringGenetics: Bubble Gum XXL x RuderalisPhenotype: 10% SATIVA – 70% INDICA – 20% RUDERALIS THC: 24% CBD: N/A Add to cart