Rapé - Kuntanawa - Tagua
A beautifully scented blend that will give you focus, clarity, and strength, especially effective when feeling down or needing a little ‘pick me up’ energy! Thanks to the special ingredient of black palm tree flowers, Kuntanawa Tague rapé will provide spiritual protection – very useful when going into a ceremony. Made by Kuntanawa people medicine man, Kuntanawa Tagua rapé is his personal favourite!
Kuntanawa Cumaru Trevo Rapé
If you’re looking for something to lift your spirits in moments you need safety, protection, clarity, and focus, Kuntanawa Tagua will be your ally.
Rapé is a sacred shamanic ‘medicine’ that has been used by healers of tribes for thousands of years and is an essential part of their tribal culture and history. Rapé (pronounced Ha-pee) is ideal for ceremonies such as Ayahuasca or other Forest Medicines. Also called ‘Dust of the Ancients’, rapé blends have been made according to traditional recipes that are made and protected by highly respected medicine men and women of the tribes. The local people turn to rapé for clarity, focus, spiritual cleansing, gaining insight and energy, clearing negative thoughts, and helping them with their daily lives and tasks.
Kuntanawa Tribe
The Kuntanawa tribe lives along the River Tejo in a reserve of the Acre region in Brazil. After a horrible rubber extraction cycle in mid-1800s, Kuntanawa people almost went extinct. With only few people left to rebuild their tribe, they are still at risk of losing their tribe, history, and traditions. There are only about 400 tribe members left, and their main focus at this time is to heal from the trauma caused to their community and rebuild their legacy by remembering and practicing their old traditions and coming together as a tribe. To reconnect the tribe with their traditions, it was necessary to connect the Kuntanawa with their sacred plants, like Ayahuasca and rapé. Practicing their rituals and ceremonies have been a vital part of cultural reconnection, self-consciousness and ethnic identification of the Kuntanawa people, helping them re-construct a new self-image that connects to their roots. If you purchase this rapé, you support the growing and fighting tribe of Kuntanawa people.
Slight variations in rapé
Although rapé is made by following a certain recipe, the recipe is seen more so as a guideline rather than something ‘written in stone’. A shaman or medicine man will sometimes slightly alter the ratio of ingredients or the harvest time by following his/her intuition. Please keep in mind that due to the natural qualities of ingredients used in rapé, each batch can naturally vary in strength, scent, or color.
In our journey to create a product that is as sustainable as possible, we chose to use glass bottles instead of plastic ones. We strive to contribute as little as possible to the production of plastic (waste), therefore, we would like to ask everyone to keep the delivered Rapé jars and reuse them for other purposes. We are also in the process of developing a recycling program for glass bottles.