Rusty White - Growkit 100% Mycelium
Rusty White , psilocybe cubensis growkit made by Mycotek.
100% Mycelium.
Developed in 2014 by Pasty Whyte through a cross between Albino A+ and Colombian "Rust Spore".
This hallucinogenic mushroom produces large, slender but elongated, pale cream colored fruits. Its culture is certainly a beautiful ethnographic experience. This growing and harvesting experience is added to its immense power.
Rusty White Magic Mushroom (Psilocybe Cubensis, Rusty Whyte or Rusty White) is a popular pigmented albino mushroom grown proudly in Canada. These mushrooms have a beautiful combination of snow-white caps and are known to have red spores. Although these mushrooms are small to medium in size, they are above average in potency. Similar to Golden Teachers, these mushrooms create a very powerful spiritual journey with many images. What stands out about this line is her upbeat vibe, which is ideal for social events like parties with friends.