Today, it is accessible to all to consume magic truffles in the greatest ease. It is a use, which, unlike magic mushrooms, is perceived as comfortable. Originally little known by the public, it is thanks to the ban on psychedelic mushrooms in the world that it gains popularity over time. Thus, authorized in several states, we can obtain them with online ordering and receiving by mail. Its use is both fast and effective. It contrasts with the time and effort required to take magic mushrooms, which are only sold by grow kit.
But were you aware that the world almost missed our magic truffles? Did you know that the philosopher’s stones we ingest exist mainly thanks to Psilocybe Tampanensis? Find in this article all the information about this variety, from its history to its effects. Discover the original species of magic truffles in detail!
The discovery of the philosopher’s stone

Among all the magic truffles existing in this world, Psilocybe Tampanensis represents a unique variety for several reasons.
His first reason concerns his story. The discovery of Psilocybe tampanensis is rather recent, dating back less than 50 years, on September 3, 1977. It was the American mycologist, Steven Hayden Pollock who was the first to find this new variety. The timing and anecdote are memorable, since this event took place on the same day as the second International Mycological Congress.
It is also the American mycologist, happy with his discovery, who gives the name of “Philosopher’s Stone” to the hallucinogenic truffle. Psilocybe tampanensis is a rare variety, which has been found only once in Tampa, Florida (hence its name) and a second time in Mississippi. Unfortunately, neither of these situations has shown signs of possibility for a crop. Indeed, the species was first discovered in wild and sandy terrain.
Aware of the situation, Steven Pollock made the decision to clone this species, in order to make it last. In addition to his success, he also managed to extract a strain of Psilocybe tampanensis that would allow the production of larger sclerotia.It was an initiative that made the American mycologist a fortune, since two years later, he decided to found a company in the name of Hidden Creek. In the same year, 1979, Steven Pollock and his co-founder became the biggest sellers of magic mushrooms.
Despite the flourishing turnover, prescriptions for magic truffles remained illegal. This ended up creating complications for the mycologist, as the growth in these sales put the state pharmacy board on alert. To deal with the situation, Steven Pollock made the decision to acquire a pharmacy, in order to continue to serve his customers. It is a success that the young mycologist could not enjoy for too long. It took less than a year to turn from victory to tragedy: the man who dreamed of finding cures for diseases and improving the quality of human life was murdered at the age of 33.
Thanks to the initiative of a passionate researcher, the magic truffle Psilocybe Tampanensis is a variety that still exists and is acquired today.
A technical zoom on the truffle Psilocybe Tampanensis.
First of all, it must be remembered that magic truffles are not what can be compared to a real truffle. It is a being that is really a sclerotia: to put it simply, a fertile body of the magic mushroom.
To understand what a sclerotia is, one must first know the system of development of the fungus. In order to trigger the growth of this living being, the presence of the mycelium network is essential. Mycelium, also called mushroom white in everyday language, is a set of organs that ensures the growth of filamentous bacteria and our fungi when in good conditions.
In order to survive, some varieties of magic mushrooms will create a food reserve. It is then that magic truffles are born, which are only compact masses of hardened mycelia. There is water and stored nutrients, which have the role of replenishing fungi when growing conditions are poor.
As you have understood, magic truffles are sclerotia that exist as a food resource for the fungus. Thus, they are living beings that develop only underground. It should also be noted that magic truffles do not grow back, no matter how you harvest them. Once unearthed, you will not find more.
Do you know? Psilocybe Tampanensis, from the Hymenogastraceae family, is one of the few varieties that produce magic truffles. Of the 200 different species of psychedelic mushrooms existing on our land, we can only count a tiny percentage of those that produce these sclerotia. Among the best known, we can find the Psilocybe Mexicana and the Psilocybe Atlantis.
The physical appearance of magic truffles

Magic truffles are generally known for their particular appearance: their small condensed size, their touch that is both rough and resistant and their dark color. Some describe it as a frozen muesli! Its overall appearance remains independent of its condition and is not modified by its level of freshness. Generally treated in the same way as for magic mushrooms, magic truffles have the particularity of drying much faster. Indeed, its metabolism contains a low humidity level that varies mainly around 5 to 10%. The appearance of magic truffles is confirmed as it dries and wilts over time.
Its physical configuration is all the more interesting if we compare it to the magic mushroom. It is easier to anticipate the effect and be accurate in calculating the dosage of magic truffles. This is a fact that is explained by the irregularity of the concentration of psilocybin that can contain a hallucinogenic mushroom. Its high water content makes it vary in size and concentration of psychoactive compounds, making it irregular in its potency. It is therefore complicated to determine its effect accurately, as each mushroom differs from one another. In conclusion, magic truffles guarantee predictable results, thanks to its compact and homogeneous composition.
The taste of magic truffles Psilocybe Tampanensis
The taste of magic truffles is often compared to that of walnuts. Its aroma is said to be similar to the normal truffle we know in the culinary world. Its initial weight, when freshly picked, can contain up to 50% to 70% water. It is at the time of drying that we can observe the psilocybe tampanensis shrink and retain only 30% to 50% water. The variety as well as the cultivation technique prove to be important factors for these weight variations.
The taste of magic truffles can also vary its state at the time of consumption. Freshly picked, its flavor can be felt as strong. For psychonauts whose palate is not a fan of them, it is recommended to enjoy them when the psilocybes tampanensis are dry. Its low water content allows magic truffles to be light. Despite its unique taste, it will remain close and comparable to that of dried fruits. It is a digestion that then becomes more bearable for its consumers.
The effects of the truffle Psilocybe Tampanensis.
The strength of the magic truffles psilocybe tampanensis is considered average. It is not without reason that this species is also recognized as a philosopher’s stone. The main effect it provides impacts our thinking, our existential side.His experience is often recognized as pleasant, while taking effect in great subtlety. Its greatest asset is undoubtedly its balance in the distribution of effects. The magic truffles psilocybe tampanensis can therefore be appreciated by their accessibility and proves to be compatible for people wishing to learn.For thrill worshippers, it remains possible to change the effects of the psilocybe tampanensis truffle. Simply dose the amount of consumption and get closer to the recommended dosage. We can then find the sensation of connection and uniqueness, discover a new perception of his life and existence. The magic truffle can also generate continuous laughter, visions when we close our eyes. Not to mention that we will regain our sense of vision and hearing changed because of the effects caused.
Less intense than the Hollandia truffle or Atlantis, the Psilocybe Tampanensis still holds a considerable overall strength. We can give it a score of 4.5/5 by retaining that its strong point is its philosophical aspect. It is therefore a truffle that is perfect for psychonauts interested in the existential side of life, without having to miss the benefits of other aspects of the trip.
The legal status of Psilocybe tampanensis in the world

Thanks to mycologist Steven Pollock’s research, the ban on magic mushrooms has had no impact on magic truffles. The cloning and production of sclerotia may have circumvented the laws that have been passed since 1971 in the United States. A few years later, European countries gradually followed suit regarding the legal status of the fungus. The Netherlands was the last country to adopt the magic mushroom ban in 2008, not including a ban on sclerotia.
However, Psilocybe tampanensis is still a variety that some states strongly oppose. Japan, for example, ranks it in the list of 13 mushrooms specifically banned by law in 2002. Germany, meanwhile, has declared Psilocybe tampanensis as one of the most seized and confiscated varieties by police.
What is the best way to consume Psilocybe Tampanensis magic truffles?

Depending on individual preferences, a certain specific dosage is recommended. For people wishing to make a powerful trip, it is advisable to take 15 grams of fresh magic truffles. For those who desire more subtle effects, a consumption of 4 to 5 grams of truffles is enough. It is a trip that will last in any case between 3 and 6 hours. The onset of sensations, meanwhile, becomes apparent 15 to 30 minutes after ingestion. More powerful effects usually occur after an hour or two.
For an optimal trip, psychonauts are recommended to chew the magic truffles well. Yes, it will surely avoid nausea cravings at the beginning of the trip, in addition to facilitating the absorption of psychoactive components.
If you prefer to consume in the form of tea, make sure not to heat in boiling water. It is a means of ingestion that can be very pleasant for those who are not fans of the taste. In both cases, we recommend that you take it on an empty stomach.
Directions for use to follow before each consumption of Psilocybe Tampanensis
For the end note, here is a list of reminders to consider before each trip:
Remember to conduct the experiment with the company of a trip guard
Avoid combining other psychotropic medications with your consumption of magic truffles
Make sure to organize the trip in a trusted, but also quiet environment
For a first trip, consider testing your sensitivity by starting with a small dose. In other words, avoid starting with 15 grams!
Do not plan to drive under the influence of psychoactive effects
Postpone your trip for another time if you are in a negative state of mind
Do not take it if you are under 18
Feel free to share your experience or ask questions by comments. You can also find information on ordering psilocybe tampanensis on our online store here.