Discovered in remote areas of Mexico, salvia divinorum is quickly recognized as a powerful plant that psychonauts consume with great discipline and caution. Its name is obviously far from a coincidence; Under the name of the sage of the soothsayers in French, it is important to understand that the latter is perceived as a sacred plant.
The power of this herb is undoubtedly one of the strongest in the psychoactive universe, which goes beyond the simple trip. Discover now all the essential information about it! From its origins to its effects, you will have the necessary elements to fully understand what salvia divinorum is and how to buy this plant.
The discovery of a sacred plant
As we mentioned earlier, salvia divinorum is a plant from Mexico. We find it cultivated in geographical areas both mountainous and isolated, more precisely in the Sierra Mazateca de Oaxaca.
The name of this territory is the same as that of the Mazatec people, who are an indigenous community. Because of this, the leaf of salvia divinorum was consumed for shamanic ceremonies. It was also a cure for rheumatism, headaches and diarrhea.
The main purpose of this drug was to heal people through natural and spiritual resources. It was not a process that any individual could initiate; In order to respect traditions, it was important to follow a ritual guided by the shamans of the village. Songs, visions, dances, incantations and poems were then guided by these people when consuming a psychoactive herb.
The recognition of the sage of soothsayers internationally
Salvia divinorum is a plant variety that became world famous thanks to two events throughout history. The first event took place in July 1938, when the American researcher Jean Basset Johnston became interested in the healing practices of the Mazatecs. Upon discovering the existence of this sacred plant, he soon listed it in botany the following year.
The second event had an impact on the Mazatec Indian community. Indeed, it was in 1955 that the healer Maria Sabina welcomed Robert Gordon Wasson, an American ethnomycologist, to one of her rituals. The shaman’s talent was quickly recognized by the researcher, who published a paper about her two years later. The widespread message has aroused a lot of curiosity in the Western community. It took very little time before Maria Sabina became the most famous shaman in the world.
Thus, it is by gradually taking an interest in a different culture offered by the Mexican territory that the leaf of salvia divinorum becomes known internationally. Did you know? This plant originally bears the name of the famous healer, “hierba Maria”. Nowadays, a number of consumers covet it mainly for its psychedelic effects and healing ability.
The effects of salvia divinorum.
The active component of diviner sage: salvinorin A

salvinorin A
Effect levels of salvia divinorum

A salvia trip is done on different levels of effects. It is important to remember that regardless of your level of experience in the psychedelic field, the use of salvia divinorum should be treated with great respect. By the way, did you know that divinatory sage has its own rating scale of its experience? Find, on 6 levels representing the letters of the word SALVIA, the effects associated with it:
Level 1: S – Subtle effects.
The first level of the journey puts the person in a state of relaxation. The sensations are both soft and light. They allow the one who consumes to enter a period of great concentration. Some compare the first level to the effects of a small amount of marijuana.
Level 2: A – Impaired perception.
Entering the second level of the trip, the person on salvia divinorum finds himself in an experience similar to that provided by cannabis. Sensory thoughts and patterns become subtly altered. The changed perception reinforces the appreciation of music, which seems both more complete and complex.The journey is not yet intense but already offers remarkable sensations, such as a different impression vis-à-vis the space, colors and textures surrounding the person. Level two also begins to affect short-term memory.
Level 3: L – Light Visual Effects
It is from the third level that the consumer begins to observe the beginning of hallucinations on the visual and auditory aspect. With their eyes closed, the person can then visualize two-dimensional images of pulsating lights, geometric and abstract shapes of color that scroll repeatedly. The consciousness still remains anchored to the real world but recalls the state of a beginning of sleep, similar to hypnosis. The third level is equivalent to when salvinorin A begins to bind to opioid kappas receptors.
Level 4: V – Vivid Visual Effects
We call the state of the flying carpet when we reach level 4 of the trip. The hallucinations generated from the previous level are even more accentuated, the visuals that seemed to be in 2D take on a 3D dimension. This is the beginning of a hallucinogenic journey that takes you into different dimensions of reality.
Although consciousness still remains lucid, this will not prevent the person under the hallucinations of salvia divinorum from having strange visions and meeting beings that do not exist in reality. It can be as amusing as it is frightening for the person who testifies to it. It is then advisable to sit comfortably and stay relaxed to have a good experience.
Level 5: I – Immateriality of existence
Level 5 travel is a step where it is crucial to have a trip guard nearby. It is from this moment that consciousness detaches itself from the world and perceives a completely different scenery from reality. The connection to what surrounds us becomes broken, the loss of control of one’s body can be dangerous if the experience is done alone.
It becomes complicated for the consumer to connect with oneself and one’s own thoughts because of the loss of personal identity caused by this scale of effect. The sensory environment is completely distorted, comparable to what can be observed in a dream.
Some testify to having turned into an object, others report having had a conversation with themselves or identifying with a divine figure. There is no doubt that the level 5 trip is considered the main experience of salvia divinorum.
Level 6: A – Amnesia
The last phase of the journey is the most powerful level that can be reached. In this state, the consumer permanently loses all connection to the real world as well as control of his own body. The trip guard can possibly testify to a sleepwalking that would lead to blows, screams or incomprehensible noises. The person under the effect no longer feels pain and will not remember that moment.
To make the most of this experience, psychonauts are advised to dose consumption so that the salvia trip stops at level 5.
There are two formats for consuming salvia divinorum: it is sold in the form of dried leaves or in the form of extracts. The difference is usually determined by duration and effects.
Buy salvia divinorum in extract form
For salvia extract, the duration of the experiment is shorter. We can expect a trip that ends in the space of 10 minutes. That said, the effects are more intense and can vary depending on what we choose. This is also the main advantage of salvia divinorum extract: it is possible to choose the power of the extracts, which start from a box of x5 to a box of x80.
To put it simply, we can understand that one x10 extract is equivalent to a dose 10 times more potent compared to dried leaves. Unlike untreated leaves, the potency of the effects can be anticipated. This means that a very low dose is more than enough to be effective. To buy salvia extracts, go to this page by clicking here
Buy salvia divinorum in the form of dried leaves
The effects of salvia leaves will tend to last longer; We can count up to two hours when ingested orally. It will take 30 minutes before you can feel its influence. The constancy of its strength is not guaranteed because the leaves do not all have the same consistency of the active ingredient. To buy salvia extracts, go to this page by clicking here
What are the ways to consume salvia divinorum?
There is no absolute technique for taking salvia divinorum leaves; The limits of consumption method only stop at your imagination. We then propose 3 ways to conduct a trip, which depending on what you choose, can generate more powerful effects than others.
- Smoking: Salvia can be smoked in a pipe or bong. This is one of the most powerful ways to get the most out of salvinorin A.
- Chewing: The second method of consumption is to eat the leaves of salvia divinorum. To do this, simply separate the pulp from the leaves in the mouth before ingesting. It is also a traditional form that is mostly suitable for the most experienced people.The taste of salvia can displease a large majority of people. The texture can require a lot of flexibility and adaptation on your part. This is a means that will not be the most powerful because the digestive system will limit the potency of salvinorin A. Eating salvia leaves is therefore not the most effective method for those who are looking for sensations. Note that the effects start after 30 minutes.
- Infusion: The last method is to grind a large amount of salvia divinorum leaves and boil them for 5 minutes. It will be necessary to infuse for about 15 minutes. As Salvinorin A is not active orally, it is strongly recommended to keep the tea in your mouth for 15 to 20 seconds for each sip taken. A good ingestion of the drink can generate a dreamlike state and cause vivid and intense dreams throughout the sleep time.
Is this your first time trying salvia? Here are some tips and reminders that we invite you to follow during a salvia trip:
- Live the experience preferably in the dark, eyes closed
- Settle into a trusted environment, away from potentially dangerous objects in a sitting or lying position
- Remember to be accompanied by a trip guard because salvia is not a drug to take alone
- Put on soft and soothing music if needed
- Avoid leaving the TV on as this can influence your trip
- It is in no case advisable to drive under the effects of salvia divinorum
- It is necessary to consume a reasonable dose for the first time
- Drug use is not intended for minors
Feel free to share your experience or ask questions by comments. You can also find information to buy salvia divinorum extract or leaves on our shop by clicking here