Microdoses are growing in popularity. This is an original way to put certain drugs on the menu. The practice of microdosing has emerged in recent years in America, mainly in the Silicon Valley region, under the impetus of Dr. J. Fadiman. Today, we like to discuss it around the coffee machine.
Today, microdoses are gaining ground in Europe and are the subject of new interest in scientific research circles. But what is a microdose? What is its interest? What are its benefits and which products can be consumed in microdose form?
What is microdosing ?
Microdosing, initially of LSD, but also of hallucinogenic mushrooms, consists, as the name of the practice suggests, in the consumption of a microdose, in other words very small amounts of a given substance.
The origins of microdosing
Microdosing LSD and other hallucinogens first gained popularity among drug users sharing their experiences on the Internet. These people have used online community forums (like Reddit) and psychedelic news site bulletin boards (like Erowid) to tout the benefits of microdosing.

Source: https://elixir.qc.ca/consommation-de-spa/le-microdosing-de-lsd/
Today, the use of microdoses is spreading and more and more people are starting to claim that small amounts make them feel more focused, creative and productive. There are testimonials of individual microdosing experiences in people of almost every demographic: young employees in the tech industry, middle-aged parents with children, and even senior executives of leading companies.
Microdosing is becoming a real phenomenon, considered as a factor of well-being.
James Fadiman’s Decisive Influence on the Rise of Microdosing

Source: https://www.jamesfadiman.com
Dr. Fadiman is known as the “father of microdosing” for his pioneering explorations and scientific studies of microdosing. Since 2010, he has collected reports from thousands of people around the world who have tried microdosing. Many of them followed the microdosing routine he suggested, namely one day of taking and two days of rest – the Fadiman protocol.
Another rule is to alternate doses every three days.
The reports are filled with stories of people who have overcome their insecurities, anxiety, depression and stress, as well as migraines, headaches and menstrual disorders.
Dr. Fadiman is convinced that microdosing can have enormous psychological and health benefits on well-being while presenting virtually no risk.
The effects of microdosing LSD or hallucinogenic mushrooms

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/LSD
Recent scientific work looks at microdosing
To date, there is little research on microdosing. Still, a 2019 scientific work brought out a lot of interesting facts about LSD microdosing. We would like to take stock of this study, before going into more detail about the effects of microdoses.
The following image, taken from the study, gathers the main effects of LSD or psilocybin microdose in a scheme. On the right, there are also the problems encountered, according to the testimony of the study participants.
The results of scientific work in diagram

Source: https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0308-4/figures/1
Diagram comment
Improvements in health and performance have been observed by scientific work in the following areas, according to the article:
Improved mood (26.6%, 215 reports): happiness, well-being, peace, calmness and reduced depressive symptoms, improved outlook, appreciation of life, optimism, spiritual and emotional intuitions, and being more in touch with emotions.
Improved concentration (14.8%, 119.5 reports): concentration, awareness, mindfulness, engagement and attention.
Creativity (12.9%, 104 reports): creativity as such, as well as meta-creative processes, e.g. change of perspective, divergent thinking, curiosity and openness.
Best performance (11.3%, 91.5 reports): motivation/ambition, productivity, confidence, sense of action and self-management (introspection, meditation and other mental health behaviours).
Energy improvement (10.5%, 84.5 reports): alertness, wakefulness and stimulation.
Benefits (7.6%, 61 statements): extroversion, empathy, contact and verbal fluency.
Cognitive benefits (5.8%, 47 reports): improved cognitive function (comprehension, problem solving), clarity of thoughts (lucidity) and memory.
Reduced anxiety (4.2%, 34 reports)
Physiological improvement (3.0%, 24 reported): improved vision, cardiovascular endurance, sleep quality, and reduction of migraines and/or headaches.
Finally, participants reported other benefits of microdosing, among the beneficial effects on their health or performance: they appreciated the fact that microdosing allows better control of doses, the absence of side effects. Only one study participant experienced no beneficial effect.
Among the other participants, many indicated a reduction in their health problems, pain, sensitivity to trauma. Some considered that the dose allowed them to stop smoking.
Reduction of problems according to this scientific work

Source: https://harmreductionjournal.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12954-019-0308-4/figures/3
It should be noted that reading the entire study is interesting.
Microdosing: which substance is concerned?
Microdosing can be applied to different substances. In the study we just reviewed, it was to study the effect of microdosing LSD and psilocybin, a substance extracted from magic mushrooms. But all psychedelic drugs can in principle be microdosed.
The goal is to achieve an altered consciousness effect or a state of consciousness close to that obtained by the use of psychedelic drugs, but in a less dangerous way, with less risk to the body or health. In particular, by avoiding the addictive effect induced by drugs.
Microdosing has its followers but also its detractors, some believing that the quantity is insufficient to produce real effects and that the reduced dose leads at most to a placebo effect.
It is obvious that microdosing has limits, but also that everything also depends on the people and profiles concerned.
Microdose of hallucinogenic mushrooms

Source: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-are-magic-mushrooms-22085
What are magic mushrooms?
They are also sometimes called magic truffles. These are wild or cultivated mushroomsthat contain psilocybin, a psychoactive and hallucinogenic compound of natural origin. Psilocybin is considered one of the best-known psychedelics, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations (SAMHSA).

Source: https://mycotrop.com/fr/champignon-magique/908-1167-psylocibe-copelandia-cyanescens-hawaiian-growkit.html#/43-growkit-1200_ml
For an effect on well-being, it is more interesting to microdose hallucinogenic mushrooms. We thus limit the risks for the body related to drugs, relying on a type of consumption widely popularized by Silicon Valley tech specialists, who find it a valuable help in their daily work and well-being without the side effects.
Would you like to be kept up to date with the news about hallucinogenic mushrooms? Do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter, to discover health and well-being tips, on a daily basis or at work.
Microdose de LSD
The idea of microdosing goes back decades. In the 1950s, a handful of psychedelic therapists at a mental health facility in Saskatchewan wanted to help alcoholics detox. They guided patients through an experience of ego dissolution on high doses of LSD.
When they came out of the experiment, more than half of the patients reported being completely cured of alcoholism. The Canadian government was intrigued and ordered more rigorous trials, this time with placebo controls, and without the experienced “travel guides” who made suggestions about what patients should experience or feel.
The results seemed difficult to apply in practical life and this time, the reduced doses were relegated to the side of shamanic practices, before being taken up, as we saw above, by J. Fadiman.
Still, the first time microdosing was put into practice was with LSD. The concept was born.
Reminder: what is LSD?
LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a synthetic chemical made from a substance found in ergot, a fungus that infects rye (grain).1
LSD belongs to a group of drugs known as psychedelics. LSD belongs to a group of drugs known as psychedelics. When taken in small doses, it can produce slight changes in perception, mood and thinking. Higher doses can cause visual hallucinations and distortions of space and time2.

Source: https://fr.wiktionary.org/wiki/LSD
Sometimes what is sold as LSD may actually be other chemicals such as NBOMe or the 2C family of drugs (which are part of the new psychoactive substances). These substances can be quite dangerous, as their quality is uneven. Taking too much of these other substances can be fatal, with a number of deaths reported.3, 4
Generally desired effects
Many effects have been highlighted by the survey we cited, one of the first to really look at the phenomenon. This scientific work highlights a confirmation of the effects observed empirically by consumers of psilocybin and magic mushrooms. It also explores, even if the whole remains a little superficial, the data related to the state of consciousness of the participants.
Reduced doses of substances are in any case consumed to induce an altered state of consciousness, to offer more performance at work (in addition to or as a replacement for coffee), more relaxation, more creative, a meditative attitude, or benefits for the body, such as the reduction of chronic pain.
The effect of psilocybin or a reduced dose of LSD may in any case explain why an artist like Aurélien Fache is a fan of microdosing and sees it as support in his creative work, to be more creative.
Microdosing mushrooms is in any case more effective than coffee!
Microdose consumption: how does it work?
The concept is simple: ingest a tiny dose of a psychedelic drug before you leave for work. Reduced doses do not alter the mind, but increase productivity and creativity and reduce anxiety and stress.
Since the release of his book Psychedelic Explorer’s Guide: Safe, Therapeutic, and Sacred Journeys in 2011, American psychologist Fadiman has built up many followers. A quick Google search yields over a million results, which shows how popular the practice has become, especially in Silicon Valley.

Source: https://www.amazon.fr/Psychedelic-Explorers-Guide-JAMES-FADIMAN/dp/1594774021/ref=asc_df_1594774021/?tag=googshopfr-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=228815710000&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17802799318346013915&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9055971&hvtargid=pla-436868230937&psc=1
While articles on the subject come from a variety of politically located and reputable media sources, they often share the idea that microdosing is a “magic bullet” to achieving happiness at work.
But how to proceed concretely?
LSD microdosing
There are no official recommendations. Most of the indications stem from the advice of regular consumers. Thus, a typical microdose of LSD is between 6 and 20 micrograms. A porous paper is soaked like a blotter of product and released into the mouth, in contact with the mucosa.

Source: https://www.neonmag.fr/imgre/fit/https.3A.2F.2Fi.2Epmdstatic.2Enet.2FNEO.2F2021.2F03.2F03.2Ff8c5999b-777e-4453-adb9-9e2d05aacb48.2Ejpeg/1170×658/background-color/ffffff/quality/70/oui-le-microdosage-de-lsd-fonctionne-autant-quun-placebo.jpg
Microdosing magic mushrooms

Source: https://thethirdwave.co/microdosing/mushrooms/
Preparing psilocybin mushrooms for microdosing involves more steps than microdosing LSD, but it’s simple. The most difficult thing is to estimate the dose of psilocybin contained in a given mushroom. Not only do different mushroom strains contain different dosages of psilocybin, but both fresh and dry mushrooms contain psilocybins as well. Even different parts of the mushroom contain slightly different doses.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champignon_hallucinogène
Anyway, we recommend drying a batch of mushrooms, grinding them into powder and measuring about 0.1 g of them as a starting microdose. From there, you can adjust the quantity accordingly. When taking a dose that makes you feel changes (including drowsiness, the first effect that appears during a trip), bring it back just below this amount. This is the ideal point for your dose of mushrooms.
You can use any type of psilocybin mushroom for microdosing. The most popular are Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata, Psilocybe azurecens, Psilocybe cyanescens, and Panaeolus. Just be aware of the psilocybin content of your strain (for example, the last two are high in psilocybin), and adjust your microdose accordingly.
Potential risk
Traditionally, substances needed for microdosing are illegal. But some are beginning to be allowed. In any case, there are mainly reports of experiences of one person or another, but few controlled studies, even if, as we have seen, the interest is that there is beginning to be more scientific data.
However, these data do not focus on the long-term effect of microdosing, on which there is no hindsight. This requires reserve. The internet is flooded with testimonials and experience reports, but there aren’t many serious studies that show the long-term effects of microdosing on the brain.
J. Fadiman, the psychologist who kicked off the phenomenon, acknowledges that more research is needed. His testimony was widely reported by the media, the news and by AFP.
You probably know that even a small dose of hard drugs every three days can pose health risks. For example, LSD is known to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. It can even lead to certain mental health problems such as schizophrenia.
Testimonial: Aurélien Fache talks about his experience with microdosing
Microdosing substances such as magic mushrooms or LSD therefore allows you to enjoy beneficial effects on the body, without the risk usually associated with drug use. The testimonials of a famous person contribute to popularize microdosing today.
Aurélien Fache: a tech artist adept at microdosing and psilocybin

Source: https://www.bluewin.ch/fr/lifestyle/microdosing-quand-les-champignons-hallucinog-nes-am-liorent-les-performances-au-travail-649613.html
Aurélien Fache is an artist and developer. He is best known for the 2017 work In bed with Thomas Pesquet. But we also know from his own testimony that he recommended to his mother the use of drugs in reduced doses, in other words the microdosing of psychoactive substances. The precise reason for this advice is not known.
If the artist was interested in microdosing, it is primarily for his work, to be more creative. The reduced doses both relaxed and stimulated him, he said. The first time was decisive, since he was immediately won over by this new way, originating in Silicon Valley, of practicing the consumption of psychedelic drug-type substances.
He saw his anxiety disappear and his productivity increase. His life took a new turn thanks to microdosing and his first successful experience. He says he is more creative. Did he forget the coffee machine? We don’t know. As for the effect on his mother, the story doesn’t say it either…
Where can I get substances for microdosing?
In any case, it is important to obtain your substances for the reduced dose on a reliable online site. You will have the assurance of having quality products. Subscribing to our newsletter allows you to be aware of regular or one-off offers.
Get informed online
The contents include microdosing, how to determine the appropriate dose. You will find the answer to many questions you may have about magic mushrooms or an article about truffles. Discover our tea offer.

Source: https://mycotrop.com/fr/19-champignon-magique?page=3
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