Whether we know it directly or indirectly, the term psychedelic is an adjective that can frighten some as well as fascinate others. The world today still bears witness to a great contradiction on the opinion of the psychedelic drug, due to lack of information and resources.
In order to allow each individual to have a better understanding on this subject, we have prepared an explanatory article summarizing the most essential information. Learn about the definition of psychedelia as well as each type of psychedelic drug.
Psychedelia: a source adjective of a new movement

Explanation of the term psychedelic drug
According to the online encyclopedia Wikipedia, the term psychedelic drug is used to name substances that act directly with our psyche, in other words psychotropic substances. Synonymous with the adjective hallucinogenic, these drugs can be natural products as well as synthetic products.
The psychedelic drug; A substance that has charmed talents
Although psychedelics can be a controversial topic in our society today, it has nevertheless been a source of inspiration for some personalities. It was at the discovery of these substances that the writer Aldous Huxley and the British psychiatrist Humphry Osmond invented the term psychedelia following their written exchanges. Through the translation of two Greek words – phaneroein and thymos – the final meaning would be “which makes a soul visible, manifest. “
In the case of Vincent Verroust, he is interested in the potential of the psychedelic on the health of an invidu. Now based in Switzerland, this French researcher has been pursuing a career in the natural science branch since 2003. It is through several appearances as a speaker at events but also as a guest on youtube channels that we find information shared about the psychedelic thanks to actively conducted studies.
The Impact and Influence of Psychedelia in Culture

The psychedelic in a political context
Psychedelia, despite the poetic translation of its term, is defined as a counterculture movement. This observation is explained by the period and context when the world of psychedelics was discovered by the general public; 1960, a year that takes root during the Vietnam War. No longer feeling consistent with the political and cultural events governing the world, many post-war baby boomers took the initiative of the hippie movement. Love, peace and freedom, these were the principles of this new counterculture. Psychedelia naturally became an influence on this community, as the absorption of psychedelic drugs spread widely.
Psychedelics in a Musical Context: The Beginnings of Psychedelic Music
It was towards the end of the 60s that the influence of psychedelics took place in the music world. No need to look far; Jimi Hendrix or The doors were among the artists who had adopted the new genre of music which is none other than psychedelic rock. This is not the only genre of music that has been inspired by psychedelia; Indeed, the electronic and pop style were also inspired by the new trend. Although psychedelic pop was in decline in the late 70s, it was the hip-hop genre that tried its hand at this style during the 80s. my
Presentation of the different psychedelic drugs
The natural psychedelic drug

For the record, it is the first psychedelic substance that was discovered and studied in the early 19th century. Derived from cacti of Echinopsis or Lophophora species, the Amerindian community used it for ceremonial use.
Mycotrop also offers Lophophora cacti in its online store: discover more by clicking here.
Increasingly recognized in the medical field, hemp is one of the soft drugs that do not cause physical addiction. Researchers in the United States have recently discovered that its active ingredients could be a tool to defeat covid-19. Facts that are still waiting to be validated unanimously, hemp is gradually proving its legitimacy within society.
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Hallucinogenic mushrooms
Frequently called shrooms, magic mushrooms or even magic mushrooms in other languages, the latter contain principles soliciting hallucinations during its use. Indeed, the psilocybin contained in these varieties allow individuals to live experiences such as distortion of reality, awareness or increased creativity.
For more information, find the ultimate guide to hallucinogenic mushrooms by clicking here.
Salva divinorum (or soothsayer’s sage)
Considered a sacred plant, it is very often recommended to consume it with great caution because of its potency. It is a psychoactive herb whose effects consist of 6 levels, it is also better to have a trip guardian by your side, especially for the 5th stage which is the break between consciousness and its environment.
Find more information about salva divinorum by clicking here.
The synthetic psychedelic drug

Synthesized for the purpose of treating mental disorders, LSD was quickly the subject of overflow and serious accidents. It was found mainly in the form of blotters, in youth neighborhoods such as Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco or the East Village in New York. It is as a result of these tragedies that it gradually becomes banned around the world and classified as a narcotic.
It is mainly used for anesthetic purposes, for chronic pain but also in veterinary medicine. Its antidepressant effect is particularly powerful and its absorption can now be done through the nasal route since the marketing of Spravato. However, the use of ketamine is much diverted; Its amazing effects are appreciated in the festive environment.
MDMA (ecstasy)
Very common in the festive environment, especially in rave parties, it is a substance that had aroused interest among the American army. However, it is a project that has been interrupted in less than 10 years, due to lack of results. Ecstasy is now banned in several countries but continues to attract many users by its low cost and its reputation that is qualified as harmless.
It is important to remember the legal requirement to be 18 years old when ordering a psychedelic product. Feel free to share your experience on the psychedelic or ask questions by comments. Discover our range of psychedelic products in our online smartshop by clicking here.