Diviner sage

The very name of the plant is quite a program. Sage is known as a medicinal plant, very popular also in cooking to disinfect or enhance dishes. Still, divinorum is a fabulous plant.

Salvia Divinorum aalvia divinorum, or diviner’s sage, is a semi-tropical perennial plant used for its hallucinogenic properties. We tell you more in this article about this plant whose name is maria pastora in Mazatec.

What is diviner sage?

Salvia divinorum, or salvia for short, is an herb from the mint family and the lamiaceae family often used for its hallucinogenic properties. It is native to southern Mexico and parts of Central and South America.

There, it has been used in traditional ceremonies by the Mazatec Indians for centuries. Its success comes largely from its richness in salvinorin a.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sauge_des_devins

Salvinorin A salvinorin F

The active ingredient in salvia, salvinorin A, is considered one of the most potent natural psychoactive drugs. The effects of this substance include hallucinations, dizziness, blurred vision, etc.

Illustrative image of the article Salvinorin A

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvinorine_A

A semi-tropical perennial plant

In common parlance, the plant is often called diviner’s sage. We still sometimes speak of magic mint, ska Maria pastora in Mazatec pipiltzintzintli or Mary’s herb. It is also sometimes referred to as lady sally salvia or divinatory sage. There is also Hojas de la pastora in Spanish.

It will be understood: salvia divinorum is not easy to define, it is known in many countries and has many names in different languages. Often the name refers to the Virgin Mary.

Salvia divinorum is usually a plant with green leaves of square stems, producing impressive visual effects, due to white flowers adorned with a pistil or purple color and crowned with a liseré. It is characterized by a floral production reaching quite easily one meter or more.

Frequent in Mexico, Yerba de Maria divinorum in Spanish is a plant containing salvinorin a salvinorin f and belonging to the family of lamiaceae, recognizable among others by the green leaves of the square stems.

History and anthropology: Jean Basset Johnston and the sage of soothsayers

The American anthropologist Jean Basset Johnston helped to make known the divinatory sage products, as well as the rites and rituals of the Mazatec Indians, with whom he lived for some time.

Image in Infobox.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Bassett_Johnston

He was able to observe that the Indians used maria pastora in Mazatec to generate a modified state of consciousness during religious ceremonies and rituals. Having lived among these populations, he tested the product himself.

Source: http://cocomagnanville.over-blog.com/2016/09/mexique-les-mazatecos-ou-mazateques.html

The use of sage from the soothsayers among the Indians of Mexico is often supplemented by that of magic mushrooms or truffles, which you will also find on our site, in the online store.

Shamanic rituals in Mexico

Basset Johnston’s search was interrupted by the war. But they were later taken up by the couple of anthropologists Wasson who were more particularly interested in shamanic rituals using hallucinogenic mushrooms or pastora in Mazatec pipiltzintzintli.

In 1957, Valentina Wasson published the account of her extraordinary psychedelic journey, during which she and her daughter felt transported to a different place and other times.

The discovery of the Wassons was marked by their initiation by the old Mazatec shaman, Maria Sabina. Following this story, everyone, especially the hippies, wanted to discover the properties of magic mushrooms and the plant with white flowers adorned with a pistil.

The discovery of the Wassons also aroused the interest of anthropologists. These have shown that the ancient Maya used such products to generate an altered state of consciousness.

On old engravings, we find flowers of purple color and crowned with a thin border.

How is diviner sage used?

Maria’s Yerba is not usually used in rolled cigarettes or joints, as the dry leaves are not potent enough to create a noticeable or psychotropic effect.

This is why fresh ska maria pastora leaves are used to obtain a plant extract. These plant extracts are then smoked in special pipes or water bongs.

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Source: https://www.ohdandycool.com/bong-quel-est-le-meilleur-de-2021/

Salvia divinorum extracts can also be infused into beverages or vaporizers.

Fresh leaves of salvia divinorum can also be chewed. As with dried leaves, fresh leaves are not considered very potent, but some people may experience a mild psychotropic effect.

Is it safe to ingest salvia divinorum?

Yes, the use of salviadivinorum is considered safe, but it has not been extensively studied. This means that the possible side effects and risks that could be detrimental to your health are not yet understood.

It is also important to take precautions if you are using salvia divinorum salvia divinorum. For example, you must not use the drug and then attempt to drive or operate a vehicle or machine.

Are there any dosage recommendations for diviner sage?

The amount of salvia divinorum you can safely ingest depends on the type of soothsayer sage you use. Salvia divinorum is potent, so small doses can produce hallucinogenic effects. The National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) advises not to exceed 500 micrograms, or 0.0005 grams.

Dried leaves

If you smoke dried leaves of shepherdess leaves, a dose of 1/4 gram to 1 gram is considered safe for consumption.

Plant extracts

If you use extracts, you need to consume less plant. The NDIC recommends that the higher the concentration of the extract, the lower the dose should be.

For example, a dose of 0.1 to 0.3 grams of 5x salvia divinorum extract may be considered safe. If you try salvia divinorum extract 10x, a safe range may be between 0.05 and 0.15 grams.

Fresh leaves or leaves of the shepherdess

If you choose to chew fresh salvia leaves, a dose of about five leaves of the product is considered safe.

Source: https://www.alsagarden.com/blog/

Soothsayer sage and effects on the body

Salvia divinorum has effects both on the body as a whole and more specifically on the brain. Here’s what to remember about this sacred plant of the Mazatec Indians. We also tell you below about the possible side effects of hojas de la pastora on the body.

How does salvia divinorum affect your brain?

It’s unclear how salvinorin A, the active ingredient in Yerba de Maria, affects your brain. Researchers continue to study this plant to better understand its effects.

Salvinorin A is thought to attach to nerve cells in your body to create a variety of hallucinogenic effects.

The effects of soothsayer sage on your brain may include:

  • visual and auditory hallucinations, such as seeing bright lights, bright colors, or extreme shapes

  • a distortion of reality and a change in the perception of the environment

  • the feeling of having an out-of-body experience or being detached from reality

  • Slurred speech

  • uncontrollable laughter

  • anxiety or fear of the “bad trip” type.

These effects can occur quickly, within 5 to 10 minutes of taking or inhaling Lady Sally in its various forms.

Although these effects, or “high,” may be short-lived, some people may experience a “high” of maria pastora in Mazatec for several hours.

How does Lady Sally Salvia affect the body?

Although the most important effects are felt by your brain, some physical effects are possible.

These include:

  • nausea

  • dizziness

  • possible loss of control of motor functions and coordination

  • an irregular heartbeat

Are there any major side effects or risks?

Studies on salvinorin A and salvinorin B are rare, but researchers are now trying to better understand how these substances work and its effects on the body and brain.

Salvinorin A and Salvinorin B are often promoted as allowing for a completely natural and legal high, but this does not mean that we should forget all the precautions of use.

Because research is limited, the list of side effects and possible risks is short. However, the possible problems are serious and worth considering.

Some adverse effects of the plant of the Mazatec Indians:

Some undesirable feelings are sometimes reported with the sage of the soothsayers. We list them below.

Dependence and addiction

The product is not considered addictive – so you are unlikely to develop a chemical addiction, but many people who consume it get used to using it for its “high” effects. Regular use can nevertheless be a source of concern and even anxiety.

Physical side effects

According to a reliable and recent scientific study, people who consume diviner’s sage, alone or with alcohol or other drugs, are more likely to experience neurological, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal side effects.

Effects on learning and long-term memory

According to another study published on PubMed Central, drinking divinatory sage can have negative effects on learning and impair long-term memory. This study was conducted on rats, so it’s not clear how this translates to humans. However, caution must be exercised and the views expressed in this study must be taken into account.


The use of divinatory sage can lead to anxious states. In severe cases, you may suffer from paranoia or even a panic attack.

Buying guide: where to buy your mint leaves of the shepherdess?

As with all products that are part of hallucinogenic plants or psychotropic effect, it is recommended to place your order on a reliable e-commerce site like Mycotrop. To convince yourself, do not hesitate to consult customer reviews.

You will have an attentive customer service, which can give you all the necessary information, on the active ingredient of your product, the number to order, the total of your cart, the status of your order, delivery, the creation of your account, payment to the order of the shop and many other questions.

Of course, customer service will take care of a problem you encounter on the site or during delivery!

As we have seen, the name is not really a criterion for this kind of green plants, which can be difficult to find. The product exists under different names, whether in Spanish, Mazatec, Latin. Many of them refer to Mary, the Virgin.

Source: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Champignon_hallucinogène

On the site, you can also order, among our products, psilocybin mushrooms, to complete your range of psychotropic and hallucinatory substances with a product of another kind. In this way, you can, like the mazatecs, combine mushrooms and salvia, for a complete experience. We invite you to browse the pages of our shop to find other interesting substances. In any case, do not hesitate to leave us a review on the substances you have tried. We are always happy to collect feedback from our customers and take it into account.

Posted in Smartshop.

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