Virosa lettuce is a wild lettuce, whose Latin name is lactuca virosa.
This plant has long been used in traditional medicines, mainly for its benefits on pain. In fact, the leaves of virous lettuce, once dried, have an effect close to that of opium.
Still, it is a care plant that has now largely fallen into oblivion and yet deserves to be known.
We invite you to discover it in this article and to take stock of this product and its possible side effects, before putting it in your cart and choosing the delivery method on a merchant site.
Viral lettuce in traditional medicine: the essentials in brief
For centuries, people have used natural remedies, such as herbal medicines, to treat various symptoms, including pain.
Virous lettuce, lactuca virosa l, is a plant that has been used to relieve pain and induce sleep.
It is used by those interested as an alternative to conventional medicines.
Although wild lettuce can have several health benefits, many people are not aware of the unwanted side effects that can result from ingesting this plant.
We will come back to this, knowing that the product is of interest when it is well used.
What is wild lettuce
Description of lactuca virosa
Wild lettuce (Lactuca virosa or virosa lettuce) is a species of lettuce grown in various parts of the world, including Iran, but also in Europe, Austria, France, Germany and Scotland, as well as Asia.
This grass grows in sunny places, such as along rivers and roads, and can grow up to 1.8 meters tall. Its properties may vary depending on its origin.
Turny lettuce produces pretty yellow flowers, from which it is possible to harvest the seeds. These seeds are used for extracts for medicinal purposes.

Source: https://www.psychoactif.org/psychowiki/index.php?title=Laitue_vireuse,_opium_de_laitue,_effets,_risques,_témoignages
Leaves, seeds, latex of lactuca virosa
The leaves of the virous lettuce lactuca virosa are bright green and grow from a green stem sometimes adorned with purple.
When the lactuca leaf is scraped, this lettuce secretes a milky white substance called lactucarium. It is distinguished by the lanceolate shape of the leaf and an appearance that is sometimes reminiscent of dandelion or capuchin beard.
Once dried, this white product resembles opium, a pain-relieving agent extracted from the poppy’s unripe pods.

You should know that in herbal medicine, opium seeds have been widely used to reduce pain, throughout history, and this since ancient times. It was used in particular as an analgesic for the wounded in war.
Lactucarium can produce sensations similar to those of opium, but with fewer side effects.
How to use virous lettuce today?
Products based on lactuca virosa
Today, there are many wild lactuca lettuce products that contain extracts from the seeds, leaves and milky sap of the plant, lactucarium.
Examples of these products include:
- mother tinctures
- plant powders
- oil
- seeds
- herbal tablets or capsules.
Parts of lactuca virosa used
Several parts of the lettuce are therefore used, and not only white milk or lettuce latex, but also the stem, leaf, flowers, seeds, sometimes rosette or thorns.
In particular, virous lettuce is used to prepare herbal tea, but also a particular form of opium, from latex.

Source: https://www.psychoactif.org/psychowiki/index.php?title=Laitue_vireuse,_opium_de_laitue,_effets,_risques,_témoignages
Herbal tea, remember, is a simple form of infusion of the leaves and stem, while decoction consists of boiling part of the virous lettuce until you get a fairly thick mixture rich in active substances.
Main properties of virous lettuce or lactuca
Virous lettuce or lactuca virosa is a form of plant used in herbal tea, or seed extract, or for its juice reminiscent of white latex.

Source: https://www.sante-nutrition.org/lanalgesique-naturel-plus-fort-pousse-partout-y-compris-jardin/
It contains active substances. Its success comes from its benefits on:
- anxiety
- respiratory problems
- insomnia
- joint pain.
Raw virous lettuce is sometimes eaten by wild plant lovers. The characteristic appearance makes it easy to spot.
The leaves are also psychoactive thanks to their juice and are sometimes used to create a state of euphoria, although this is not necessarily the primary function of virous lettuce.
It should be noted that in France, although it is present, virous lettuce is little known, whatever name is given to it.
Can virous lettuce relieve pain?
Lactuca virosa and pain
Spiny lettuce extract and seeds have long been used to relieve pain.
Lactucarium contains lactucin and lactucopicrine, bitter substances that act on the central nervous system to produce an analgesic and sedative effect.
These compounds are considered sesquiterpene lactones, a group of beneficial substances most concentrated in plants belonging to the Asteraceae – such as lettuce, calendula and chicory.
In fact, sesquiterpene lactones make up much of the latex-like lactucarium juice secreted by virous lettuce.
While many natural health care companies and homeopathic websites promote lactuca virosa as a pain treatment, scientific evidence is lacking.
Studies on lactosa virosa and pain
Few human studies have examined lactuca virosa, its white latex and pain relief, although some animal studies suggest that the compounds in juice or seed extract act as painkillers.
A 2006 study by A. Wesolowska on mice demonstrated that at doses of 15 and 30 mg of plant per kg of body weight, the product is as effective as 30 mg of ibuprofen.
However, animal studies of lactuca virosa as a painkiller are limited, and more research including humans is needed for accurate advice.
Virosese lettuce: other possible uses
Other uses of lactuca virosa products
Virose lettuce is touted as a natural treatment for a variety of conditions other than pain, such as:
- respiratory problems
- menstrual cramps
- arthritis
- cancer
- insomnia
- traffic problems
- Agitation
- urinary tract infections
- Alzheimer’s disease

It is also believed to have antibacterial properties when applied to the skin.
Reliability of knowledge on virous lettuce
Although you can find information and opinions about the healing qualities of lactuca virosa on many alternative medicine sites, there is currently no scientific research to support its use to treat any of the conditions mentioned above.
Studies show that other types of sesquiterpene lactones in the Asteraceae family are effective at reducing inflammation, which may help with some health conditions.
In addition, some sesquiterpenes offer antioxidant, antibacterial and antitumor properties.
These include chamomile, a member of the Asteraceae family, which contains chamazulene, a sesquiterpene with strong antioxidant qualities.
Feverfew, which also belongs to the Asteraceae categories, is rich in parthenolide, which inhibited the growth of leukemia cells in a test-tube study.
However, there are few studies on the specific compounds found in lactuca virosa.
Until further research has been conducted on the health effects of the product, it is difficult to confirm or deny.
Side Effects, Potential Dangers and Alternatives to Virous Lettuce
Possible side effects
Although the benefits of virous lettuce have not yet been studied, its adverse effects have been better analyzed. Pay attention to the amount of plant you consume!
Studies indicate that lactuca virosa virous lettuce can harm your health, when taken without caution and without the necessary attention. This opinion is not necessarily shared by all.
The results of a study on lactuca virosa
For example, in one study, eight people who ingested raw mustard experienced the following symptoms:
- dizziness
- extreme sensitivity to light
- perspiration
- Hallucinations
- anxiety
- urinary retention
- blurred vision
- headaches
- Nausea
- Vomiting
People ingested the whole plant in this study and especially the leaves.
Reduced number of studies on virous lettuce
Also, in the absence of in-depth studies, there is no way to know how seed extract may interact with certain medications.
Since animal studies indicate that lactuca virosa virous lettuce extract may have sedative properties, anyone taking sedatives should avoid supplements of this product.
In addition, ingestion of virous lettuce can cause hallucinations.
Before using virous lettuce, however, you can consult a health professional or ask the pharmacist for advice.
Indeed, if virous lettuce is sometimes called the opium of the people, because cheap, it is because the product can have quite powerful effects, depending on the quantity.
Details on the quantity and dosage of leaves and seeds of this product
Produced in capsules
There are no guidelines for the proper use of this product, but capsule manufacturers generally recommend 400 to 500 milligrams (mg) per day.
Lactuca virosa in mother tincture
The doses of tinctures and extracts vary according to the concentration of the solution.
Lactuca virosa in dried plant or powder
Dried herbs and powdered preparations can be used to make tea by brewing 1 to 2 tablespoons of dried grass or 1 to 2 teaspoons of powder in a cup of boiling water.
Lactuca virosa can also be smoked
The dried leaves can also be smoked, instructions for use in the video below:

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMiiSWOgVjg s
Attention! Caution should be exercised when consuming dried lactuca virosa, as the dose cannot be controlled and more than you think.
In addition, there is no way to know if dried herbs have been contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals, chemical fertilizers or other harmful substances, depending on the soil or origin.
On the other hand, virous lettuce capsules offer a more regular dosage, especially if they have been certified by an independent certification body.
Certification for this type of product is uncommon, as with many herbal dietary supplements.
But manufacturers are increasingly adopting this practice as consumers of dietary supplements become more savvy and seek quality.
Information for ordering and delivering virous lettuce
You should always order your virous lettuce supplements from a reliable site.
To find lettuce seeds on our online site in English, you will rely on the different names of lactuca virosa. A section of the site is dedicated to seeds and medicinal plants.
Check the price and information on the product page in French before ordering and read customer reviews.
You can choose the quantity per product reference and place an order from your customer account by validating your basket. The navigation page displays the cart total.
Lactuca virosa seeds, plant extracts, capsules, check the price before putting the item in the cart for delivery.
When ordering, you will know what is the availability of the product, and this by reference. Sometimes there are only a few pieces left. Our delivery conditions can be consulted in the general conditions of sale.