The joint is one of the most iconic and beloved ways to consume cannabis, and it’s a great way to enjoy the flavor of your flower. Every cannabis smoker should learn how to roll a joint. There are countless opinions on how to roll a joint, but whatever you do, make sure your creation burns gently and evenly, for a pleasant smoke. In this article, we give you the technique of the experts, you will also discover different variants. Do not hesitate to share yours with us!
How much grass is in a joint?
For starters, we recommend using half a gram of cannabis and full-sized rolling papers. If you do not have one or no longer have one, do not forget to place an order on time on our site. This is a good amount suitable for two people. Start with the smaller side, which will make joint rolling easier to manage.
You can compare with pre-rolled products for weed, which are one full gram, although some are sold in packs of two half grams.
When you master the rolling, you can switch to a large sheet of paper and one-gram joints and expand your circle of smokers.
Step-by-step guide: how to roll a perfect joint (with or without filter) – our advice
To help you perfect your art and fashion or technique for rolling paper and weed, we’ve prepared a simple eight-step guide to the easiest technique to roll a classic cone joint, even for beginners. You’ll get a perfect style joint in no time. Some succeed after a single try!
Step 1: Start by gathering your equipment to roll a joint:
Cannabis strain of your choice
Sheet paper, purchased in tobacconists or online, sheets of paper
Product for seal filter
Cannabis mill
Optional: A pen, or a similarly shaped object to help pack the joint.

Source: https://ocs.ca/blogs/guides-pratiques-sur-le-cannabis/5-etapes-simples-pour-rouler-un-joint
Step 2: Grind the cannabis
Cut your cannabis into pieces. If the weed is well dried, it should break down easily. A grinder prevents your hand from becoming sticky and therefore sticking to the joint paper.
If you do not have a grinder, you can grind the grass by hand, using scissors, or any other method of breaking down the fibers.

Source: https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/how-to-roll-a-joint
Step 3: Create a filter for the seal – the method
You can make this filter from just about anything, but thin cardboard or business card are good choices. Many rolled-paper packages also include filters in their packaging.
You can buy your sheets of tobacco paper, if you no longer have them or search your browser for an online store. All that remains is to fill your cart and wait for shipping and delivery.
Start by making a few accordion folds at the end of the cardboard, then roll the sheet to the desired thickness and shape.
This is not absolutely necessary, but it also serves as a support or guide, since it produces a rigid surface that you can hold when tightening the paper around the cannabis in the rolling paper. It is better for smoke and to protect the hand and avoid burning through the leaf.

Source: https://www.zativo.fr/blog/326-comment-faire-filtre-a-joint
The spiral: first method
This is the easiest form. This filter is cylindrical and consists of a piece of cardboard as tight as possible.
We take a piece of cardboard bought in a tobacconist or e-shop, we select a part and we fold this part. It is then rolled forward without leaving any space. Then we do the same at the other end.
Do not hesitate to order online!
The W or zig zag: second method
This type of filter will allow you to look stylish and trendy.
We start in the same way as for the spiral but by bending on 2 mm before rolling.
The result is a small rectangle. We fold, in reverse. The process is repeated 3 times.
We thus form an accordion that is wound on its unbent end.
Step 4: Fill the cannabis joint
Fill the rolling paper with the cannabis. Once the sheet of paper contains the right amount of product, you can start shaping the shape with your fingers.
A small note about papers: there are many types and fragrances of rolling paper.
Many people prefer hemp papers because they tend to be thin but strong, and burn evenly without affecting the flavor of your products.

Source: https://www.zativo.fr/blog/326-comment-faire-filtre-a-joint are
Step 5: Pack the joints in the sheet
Once you’ve loaded and shaped your joint, it’s time to roll it up. Pinch the paper between your fingertips and roll it back and forth to tamp the cannabis and give it its final cone appearance.
Step 6: Roll the joint
This phase is delicate and can lead to success or disaster.
Place the unglued side of the rolling paper sheet in the roll, roll it up and use the glued edge to fix one end of the paper, using just a little moisture.
Pro tip: Start with the filter side as this can help guide the paper as it rolls on itself. Once the paper is glued to one end, you can work on the rest of the seam by folding and sealing the joint to the end.

Step 7: Put the finishing touches on your joints
Finally, tamp the end of the seal to ensure uniform combustion. A pen is ideal, but you can use just about anything else.
Some good options if you’re on the go:
part of your shoelace,
the cord of your hoodie,
or a small stick
or something else, according to your imagination!

Source: https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/how-to-roll-a-joint
Step 8: Maximum pleasure: happy?
Enjoy! Share with friends! A pleasure to repeat several times…

Source: https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/sante/cerveau-et-psy/fumer-des-joints-pour-la-science-une-experience-stupefiante_137372
Other ways to roll a perfect joint
There are endless ways to roll a joint. You can roll big or small ones. Get creative! Some people have even turned joint rolling into an art in its own right, rolling their cannabis like a functional origami.
Another trick is to use a banknote to roll a joint. Just fold a banknote in half and put your ground grass in it. Roll it back and forth, slide a rolling paper behind, roll it up and lick it. It’s easy.
Other joint variants you can try rolling are a cross joint (two cross-joints in the middle, giving you three ends to light up), a pinner (a thin joint), or an L joint or tulip, which have extra amounts of grass stuck to the end.
What is your favorite way to roll a joint? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below and be sure to teach others this basic cannabis skill!
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The essentials in video
Are you more of a visual? Watch a video on Youtube! In English, but you should understand anyway, because the images speak for themselves!

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyc_XPnITOg
Purchase: our advice to get you the items you need
An online store: why?
Do you live in France and want to buy the items you need for your joints? Our e-shop has an index where you can search by name for the different products you need. Do not hesitate to subscribe to the newsletter, to be always informed of news and offers. Delivery can be made, regardless of the place or country where you live.
The advantages of our shop: why buy your leaves and other items online
The shop offers a wide selection of flowers to put in your basket or cart. Paper, cardboard, various brands, weed sheets, rolling sheet, you will find everything to enjoy your smoke!
The best way to proceed is to create your customer account, from which you can carry out the various operations related to the order and choose an item to put in your shopping cart. You can check the delivery conditions according to the country and know the rates.
Our services include the possibility of returning the sheets or another item, if it does not suit you. The site remembers your orders thanks to cookies and you can renew them as many times as you want.
In case of problems, our customer service is at your disposal. So there is no fear to have.
A wide selection of cannabis
You will choose our shop for its wide selection of hemp, CBD and cannabis. Make no mistake: to enjoy perfect pleasure and quality smoke, it is not enough to know how to roll your sheet in an artistic or professional way. It is also necessary to have weed and quality flowers.
We offer you CBD, critical Kush, Girl Scout and many more.
Our critical Kush cookies

Our cannabis seeds
Do you prefer cannabis seeds? Again, you will find an incredible selection on the pages of the shop.

Source: https://mycotrop.com/fr/26-graine-de-cannabis
Still undecided? Do not hesitate to consult the pages of our shop and let yourself be guided. Our customer service, on the smartshop, is at your disposal to advise you.